Improper daytime and sleep breathing adversely affects all aspects of health, mood, energy, focus and memory. If left untreated, the chronic inflammation that results can lead to systmemic disease.
Transition Period "Light Sleep"
Muscle activity slows down; Drowsy, Easily awakened;
First stage of true sleep
10-25 minutes; Eye movement stops, heart rate slows down, body temperature drops
Deep Sleep
Difficult to awaken; If awakened, groggy & disoriented; Slow brain waves; Short term memory storage; Hormone release and balance; Blood flow directed away from the brain and towards muscles; Muscular pain management
Dream Stage Sleep
70-90 minutes after falling asleep; Rapid eye movement; Heart rate, blood pressure and brain activity increase; Long-term memory storage; Anxiety, depression & pain management; Arms & legs are paralyzed
Sleep typically cycles through these stages 4-5 times throughout the night with each cycle of REM sleep lasting longer each time.
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